Blocked Drains

About Blocked Drains

Do you think you might have a blocked drain? Whether it’s a blocked sink, blocked toilet, blocked shower or blocked stormwater drain, iPlumb NQ Solutions can help unblock it. We have the expertise and equipment to unblock your drains and get the water running freely again. A blocked drain is not just an inconvenience, it can also cause very serious problems for your toilets, bathtub, washing machine, showered and sinks if left too long without being fixed.

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Do I Have A Blocked Drain?

It is usually easy to identify when you have a blocked drain, which means you can have a plumber attend to the blocked drain as quickly as possible. Some signs that you might have a blocked drain include:

Wastewater reappearing in your sinks, shower or bathtub.

A bubbling or blocked toilet.

Especially when you are using another sink or shower.

Am unpleasant odour coming from your drains.

These issues occur because when drains are blocked up or the water cannot flow freely through it the way it was intended.

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Blocked Sewer Drains.

Tree roots are the primary cause of blocked sewer drains. Tree roots are attracted to the moisture contained in the drains and thrive due to the constant supply of water. Blocked drains caused by tree roots are more commonly found in older homes but can take place in newer homes as well. Tree root growth can also occur outside of the pipe and over time the sheer pressure of their weight can cause the pipe to collapse on itself.

Un-flushable items such as wet wipes, sanitary products and paper towels are becoming increasingly more common as the cause of blocked sewer drains. Most of these products will feature a warning on their packaging that they are not safe to flush – and there is a good reason for that.

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If I Have A Blocked Sewer Drain?

If your sewer drain is blocked, it is important that you act quickly. A blocked sewer drain means that the water has no way of departing your plumbing system and this can result in raw sewage flowing back up through your drains and into your home. Blocked sewer drain is not to be taken lightly and could cause significant damage to your home and your health if not acted upon quickly. If you suspect there is a blocked sewer drain in your home:

1. Turn off the water main, which will usually be located outside your house.

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